
General terms and conditions of business

of SigMA Werbetechnik GmbH

As of May 1, 2022

  1. Validity of the General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

For all current and future business transactions


SigMA Werbetechnik GmbH, Dr. Schärf Straße 2, A- 4470 Enns, FN

164502s (hereinafter referred to as “ contractor ”) apply exclusively

the following terms and conditions; they are also for all future transactions

binding, even if not expressly referred to


Regulations that deviate from or supplement these General Terms and Conditions –

in particular general terms and conditions of business or purchasing

Contractual partner of the contractor (hereinafter briefly

Client ”) – will only become part of the contract if this

has been expressly confirmed in writing by the contractor.

  1. Offers and conclusion of contract

Offers from the contractor are only made in writing

issued and are non-binding.

On orders from the client, the client is responsible for one

Bound for a period of 3 weeks. The client can then

by setting a grace period of at least 1 week from his

Withdraw the order offer by means of a written declaration. The

The contractor reserves the right to examine the order in any way

respect. The respective contract is therefore only valid once a contract has been submitted

written order confirmation from the contractor


Order confirmations sent by the contractor are dated

Customer must check immediately and apply in the event of a lack

written objection within 7 days of delivery

Order confirmation recognized as correct and complete.

III. Prices and payment terms

Pricing is generally not a flat rate

understand. Prices are exclusive of sales tax and others

public charges and fees.

Invoices are due for payment immediately without any discounts.

For services ordered by the client, which are in

If no cover is found in the original order, you are entitled to it

appropriate remuneration. The same applies to exceeding the

Offers that are caused by changes made by the client.

These are deemed to have been approved by the client, even if none

Notification by the contractor is made and is

to be compensated appropriately.

If the client agrees with an agreed (partial) payment

If default occurs, the contractor is entitled to charge default interest

Calculate the amount of 8% pa. The assertion of one

Further damage caused by delay remains unaffected.

In the event of late payment, the contractor is also entitled to:

Total remuneration or the total outstanding claims for

services already provided must be made due, provided that

the outstanding payment has been due for at least six weeks and

Contractor the client under threat of default

and with a grace period of at least 2 weeks

unsuccessfully warned. In addition, the contractor is also

entitled to the further fulfillment of all existing obligations

To refrain from legal transactions if the client

in default of any obligation towards the contractor

device. The contractor is only then allowed to continue

Obligated to provide services if the client is independent of the

all fees for the original contractual due date

Services provided are paid for by the contractor and for

the contractor's outstanding services are the entirety of what was agreed

Fee has been paid in advance.

All expenses caused by late payment as well

Dunning and collection costs (particularly the remuneration of the

the debt collection agency involved, which results from the VO of the BMwA

above the maximum rates of the debt collection agencies

arise or if the contractor handles the dunning process himself

operates €12.00 per reminder issued and €6.00 ​​per half-year

for maintaining evidence of the guilt relationship) including the

The client must bear legal assistance costs.

  1. Danger and risk

Danger and risk begin when the goods are dispatched or handed over

to the transporter or to the client. Became

If you have not expressly chosen a specific shipping method, then

Any shipping method chosen by the contractor is deemed to be valid


If shipping is delayed due to circumstances attributable to the contractor

is not responsible, then danger and risk pass on the day of

Readiness for dispatch passes to the client. the contractor

is not liable for the selection of the transport company or for the

Carrying out the transport. Upon written request and on

The contractor will ship the shipment at the client's expense

against theft, breakage, transport, fire and water damage

as well as insure against other desired insurable risks


  1. Plans, drawings and other documents

Physically provided by the contractor or

documents made available electronically, such as in particular

Plans, photographs, samples and other documents remain intellectual

Property of the contractor. Any use, especially that

Distribution, reproduction and publication by the

Client requires express written consent

of the contractor.

The documents issued by the contractor can be from

Contractor reclaimed if an order is not placed


Insofar as the contractor is required to prepare an offer from the

The client provides planning and development services

If an order is not placed, this will be compensated by an appropriate fee

to be rewarded. Planning and planning services are free of charge

Development services must be agreed in writing.

  1. Copy and reproduction rights

The client is liable for advertising, copyright, trademark and

competition law harmlessness of what he delivers

Print templates, images, content and the like.

Without express written notice from the client

the contractor therefore assumes that the client

about the execution of the contract in question

has the necessary copying and reproduction rights.

Are due to failure to inform the execution

of the order, third-party rights, in particular third-party copyrights

violated, the client is solely liable for this and is obliged to

to indemnify the contractor from all third-party claims, as well as

indemnify and hold harmless the contractor in the event of any legal disputes arising

to keep without complaint.

The client transfers by transmitting his

Print templates, logos, images, content or the like to

Contractor all existing rights to this content

(in particular copyright and/or ancillary copyrights as well

similar rights) non-exclusively to the contractor. In the case,

that a transfer of rights is based on mandatory legal requirements

If the specifications are not possible, the client agrees to this

Contractor on this content is non-exclusive, factual and

spatially and temporally unlimited right to use the same

any species known today or that will become known in the future.

This particularly includes the right to edit content

reproduce, distribute, rent or lend through

To broadcast on the radio, to play it back publicly or something like that

to make them available to members of the public at will

are accessible. This also includes the right to share the content with others

to combine services and/or works and to supplement them

or to process it in any other way. Those mentioned above

Rights also apply in particular to these edited ones

(modified) versions that the contractor is entitled to

for reference and other purposes.

The client expressly waives this for himself and at most

Third parties involved in the creation of this content have the right to do so

Attribution. All permissions listed above

The contractor is entitled to do so even after completion of the contract

respective order without the client having any claims,

in particular on remuneration.

The contractor is entitled to receive from the client

granted rights in whole or in part to third parties

transfer or third parties the right to use the work or

To grant work use permits where necessary

is to fulfill the order.

VII. Retention of title

The contractor reserves all goods delivered until

full fulfillment of all liabilities (including interest and

any collection costs) on the part of the client

right of ownership. The retention of title to already paid

Goods remain as security until all payments have been made

other claims of the contractor.

Authorized in the event that retention of title is asserted

the client already has possession of the contractor

To withdraw goods without legal assistance and grants him this

For this purpose, you have free access to your goods at any time.

A resale of the reserved goods by the client

is only possible with the express written consent of the

Contractors permitted. The purchase price requirement applies in this case

already now up to the amount to which the contractor is entitled

Purchase price claim including interest and costs to the contractor

assigned and the contractor is entitled to the assignment

to disclose the claim.

If the client defaults on payment or is liable to do so

Contractor circumstances regarding the insolvency of the contractor

known about the client or his poor economic situation,

The contractor is entitled to retain title within his rights

to dismantle standing goods or devices and/or

to be taken back without this being tantamount to withdrawal from the contract

is to be set.

If there is a seizure or other claim by third parties

If this is done by the client, the latter must pass this on to the contractor

communicate immediately and the property rights of the

to demonstrably secure the contractor's ownership of the reserved item.

VIII. Performance deadlines and performance

The service deadlines and dates will be determined by the contractor

Possibility complied with. Unless expressly stated otherwise, they are

agreed, non-binding and always understood as

expected date of completion. From the client

Any fixed dates set will be set by the contractor

not recognized unless these are expressly and

confirmed in writing as a fixed date.

Becomes the beginning of the performance or execution

delayed and this delay was not caused by the contractor

If you are at fault, agreed performance deadlines or

Completion dates extended accordingly or

pushed out. This does not affect the right of the

The client to withdraw from the contract in the event of delays

make binding to the contract unreasonable.

If the service is provided by someone who is not within the sphere of

The contractor's delay is impossible or unreasonable,

The contractor can withdraw from the contract without this

The client has a claim for damages. The

In this case, the contractor retains his claim to payment

all services actually provided up to the point of withdrawal.

A withdrawal from the contract by the client due to performance issues

or delay in delivery is only possible if an appropriate amount is set

– at least 14 days – grace period possible. Withdrawal is by means of

registered letter. The right of withdrawal

refers only to the service or delivery part

whose default is present. Should come from one of the contractor

Damage caused by delay in performance or delivery, consequential damage

or loss of profit, replacement is easier

Negligence of the contractor is excluded.

If a time is determined for the provision of the work

the client is not entitled to do so without express consent

written consent of the contractor the time of performance

to postpone. However, if the contractor does so

If he agrees to the postponement, he is entitled to the wages for the work - if

justified – adjust accordingly.

If the client defaults on acceptance, the contractor is responsible

entitled to demand payment for services rendered and

to withdraw from the contract after a reasonable grace period.

In the event of the client's consent to the revocation

Order despite ongoing commitment by the contractor

this entitles you to a no-fault and not the

contractual penalty subject to judicial moderation

of 30% of the order value plus VAT without proof of this

to demand actual damages from the client. The

Claims for higher damages remain unaffected.

Unless total delivery has been expressly agreed, the

Contractor is entitled to deliver in parts

to carry out and submit partial invoices.

  1. Warranty and liability

The contractor's warranty is exclusively for

expressly guaranteed properties of its products/works

and usually required properties are not achieved

however, for the suitability of the trade/product for certain purposes

of the client.

The obligation to report defects in accordance with Section 377 of the German Commercial Code (UGB) applies to entrepreneurs.

In the event of any other loss of claim, the client has every delivery

and service immediately, but no later than within 14 days

Check delivery or service for visible defects and

Any defects identified should also be detailed in writing

immediately, to complain.

The warranty period is for the services of

Contractor towards entrepreneurs 6 months from delivery

and begins with the handover of the goods to the client.

Prolong replacement deliveries or remedy defects

or do not interrupt the warranty period.

Recourse claims according to § 933b ABGB against the contractor

are excluded. The assertion of defects is justified

the client does not have the right to plead that the contract has not been fulfilled and

for changes to payment terms.

The existence of defects must be proven by the client. §

924 ABGB does not apply.

The client is obliged to provide immediate notice

To enable the contractor to identify defects

In the event of a warranty, the contractor is entitled to:

Type of warranty (improvement, replacement, price reduction

or change) to determine for yourself. The improvement takes place after

Choice of contractor at the place of delivery or at the registered office


The contractor is eligible for compensation in all cases

future cases only in the case of intent or gross negligence

negligent. In the event of slight negligence, he is liable

Contractor exclusively for personal injuries. For indirect

Damages, lost profits, loss of interest, omission

He is liable for savings, consequential and financial losses

Contractor not. The contractor's liability expires in 6

months from the client becoming aware of the damage and

Damage, but at least within 3 years from complete


The client is responsible for any fault on the part of the contractor

to prove.

The exclusion of liability also includes claims against

Employees, representatives and vicarious agents of the contractor,

due to damage caused to the client - without

Reference to a contract on your part with the client.

If, in whatever case, a penalty is borne by the

If the contractor has agreed, this is subject to judicial review

Right of moderation and the assertion of penalties

Any additional compensation is excluded.

Any legitimate claims for compensation by the client

are in any case with the value of the order sum of the respective

Order limited.

  1. Prohibition of offsetting and retention

The client can object to the contractor's claims

only with judicially determined or expressly written

offsetting recognized claims. Incidentally, that is

Compensation excluded.

The client is not entitled to make payments with reference to

Guarantee, warranty or compensation claims

to hold back.

  1. Consumer stores

If the client is a consumer in the sense

of the KSchG, the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions apply only

insofar as they do not comply with the mandatory provisions of the KSchG

contradict its current version.

XII. Place of jurisdiction and applicable law

For all disputes arising from legal transactions between

Contractor and the client including disputes

about the conclusion, the legal validity, the change and the

Termination of these legal transactions becomes the exclusive

Jurisdiction of the relevant court for 4470 Enns/Upper Austria


Austrian law applies to the exclusion of

Referral norms of Austrian conflict of laws law and the

UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods as agreed.

XIII. Severability clause

If one or more points of these terms and conditions are ineffective or

the other points remain unaffected. Instead of

legally ineffective point is deemed to be agreed upon

is legally effective and the economic purpose of the ineffective

closest to the point.